Saturday 4 August 2012


Every relationship is delicate and so your love life is. Maintain your love life in such a way that frustration and distance can never peep into your relationship. Periodical maladjustments, fighting, mutual or one-sided frustration may indicate the loss of balance in the relationship. The time both of you share with each-other should not reduce rapidly. Distance inasmuch as it is a challenge in relationship can still be managed when constant communication exist but lack of communication remains the worst of barrier in any relationship. Remember, communication deepens relationship. Infidelity is like a secret enemy that can eat up your peace of mind and relationship bliss.
Turning to each-other without hesitation and opening up is required to resolve the problems. Don’t be shy talking to him or her anytime. Be more concerned to express yourself in a polite way when annoyed than you should be towards food and when trying to tailor down your grievances, never bring the case of your relationship into it (I mean, never threaten your relationship). For instance; if your fiancĂ© has refused to call or send you text messages for a long time, when trying to complain never threaten him of quitting the relationship simply because he has not called for a long while. You are complaining because you wish to know why not because you wish to quit. Get it RIGHT.
A straightforward and fair and open communication can make things better. Catch the things the moment you are feeling something wrong. Do not let it go too far. Find the reason of frustration in your partner and think positively and talk and act likewise to solve it.
Spending happy time will always strengthens the relationship. A positive atmosphere full of love and commitment can surely bring happiness into your life. Do not follow your partner if he or she has dubious activities towards infidelity. Rather try to take him or her on your stride. Why do you let your partner go away with other? Do not by act of carelessness suggest to your partner that you are incompetent. Once he or she finds out that you are incompetent, he or she looks out elsewhere and infidelity sets in.
Priority makes things improved. So, give your relationship good amount of priority so that your partner also feels important. Maintaining relationship is an art and you cannot ignore it. A healthy relationship is always better than a stable one where both just maintain relation as a formality. Boredom, if it comes into a relationship, can create scopes for both the partners to look outside for a real change. Beware of it! Change the pattern of your living and fulfill the expectations of the other. Do not be too demanding so that you can handle his or her shortcomings.
You can reduce all these chances of infidelity by rejuvenating your relationship wisely. Share joy and laughter with your partner and engage into funny activities and playing. Think of the importance of one another and share it verbally. Trust and commitment can make the relationship strong, loving and ever-blooming. Be sure you can trust your partner. If you can’t in the past, try again. You learn everyday as much as you eat every day.
Stay clear of pre-marital sex.

EMENIKE EMMANUEL C.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  07036251361

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